Mangan ta na!
Filipinos really love to eat. We see food stalls, restaurants, and food parks all over the country. When it comes to food, our fellow Kapampangans are known for their exceptional cooking skills. Following the food park trend would be a great treat for everyone.
Good news because we do not have to wait that long! In a few months time, we can get to taste mouth-watering food varieties as Clark Development Corporation re-opens Pampanga’s famous lifestyle hub. But taste is not the only factor that we must consider in eating good food. Aside from craving to try delicious food, we also want to ensure that it is safe to eat. Knowing the basic foundations of food safety is the first step to having a good, hazard-free food.
Nanu ing Food Safety?
Clark Development Corporation’s Health and Sanitation Division in collaboration with Food Safety & Hygiene Academy of the Philippines organized a Food Safety Seminar for food business operators. It was done inside the CDC Training Grounds at the Clark Freeport Zone last 28th of June 2019. The importance of Food Safety and Hygiene was highlighted during the seminar given by FoodSHAP®. Food handlers, merchants, and FBOs were educated on basic foundations of food safety such as:
- the proper preparation of safe food,
- elements of a clean and safe kitchen; and
- the cause and dangers of foodborne illnesses, etc.
Games, activities, and audio-visual presentations were used to encourage interaction between the speaker and the audience for a better perception of the topic. FoodSHAP® wants the best for the food handlers for further improvement of their implementation of Food Safety programs.
Here at FoodSHAP®, buri mi ligtas kayu.